Saying Goodbye | Emerald Park Theme Park and Zoo
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siberian tiger at emerald park

Saying goodbye to Khan, our beloved Amur Tiger

31st May, 2024


We are very saddened to report on the passing of Khan, our beloved Amur Tiger.

Khan arrived here in Emerald Park on St. Patrick’s Day eleven years ago. He immediately won the hearts of all of us here, and our visitors too. His docile nature and majestic stature inspired our staff to lovingly christen him the ‘Big Friendly Giant’, and he was always a gentleman, with a truly regal manner.

He was about to celebrate his 20th birthday – a hugely impressive lifespan for any tiger. Khan assisted greatly with our campaign for the conservation of Amur Tigers. As part of the EAZA Ex situ Programme (EEP) he inspired thousands through school tours, research projects, educational zoo talks and more.

Khan had been receiving a range of treatments and care for issues relating to his age for some time now. Despite which he slowly declined, and so it was decided by our veterinarians that an extensive health check was needed.

Sadly, it was then discovered that Khan had even more age-related health issues than anticipated.

Our expert team of vets, zoo keepers and members of our ethics committee then made the difficult decision to put Khan to sleep, to prevent any further suffering.

an image of Amur tiger, Khan and Bira at Emerald Park lying down in the grass an image of Amur tiger, Khan with a zookeeper at Emerald Park in the snow

an image of Amur tiger, Khan at Emerald Park lying down on grass

A quote from Senior Zookeeper Craig

"The impact Khan has had on the team, over the years, can never truly be put into words. From the moment he first arrived right to the very end, he inspired generations of visitors. In his final days he still retained his charismatic and gentle nature.”

an image of Amur tiger, Khan at Emerald Park lying in the grass

A quote from Senior Zookeeper Suzie

"The bond that was built up between him and his keepers over this time will be something we as keepers will never forget his good nature towards the keepers and the female tigers was amazing to witness.”


Khan will be sadly missed by all of our staff and guests here in Emerald Park.